
No expert on the subject but I have learned a new meaning.  For so long I thought forgiving someone who had wronged me meant excusing them of their action or behavior.  Turns out, forgiveness means nothing of the sort, but because we tend to hold to this deep seeded definition, we end up allowing anger and bitterness to grow roots in our heart.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I can speak from experience within my own life, that this idea of forgiveness only hinders “freedom” in our own lives.  It causes us to turn a beautiful day into an angry day, a light-hearted moment and atmosphere into a heavy, dreary downpour.  One thought or mention of the person who wronged us and anger rushes in and takes over. Our entire day is ruined… but, did it change anything for the person who wronged you?  NO. They don’t even know you had a thought about them.

We must stop letting past hurts hinder the beautiful future that lies in front of us.  If only we could truly grasp the actual meaning of forgiveness…  Forgiveness is when you give up your right to punish someone for what they have done to you.  Forgiveness is the essence of GRACE.  Forgiveness means to offer grace!

I once needed grace, too… Someone had to die for mine.  I can forgive because I too need forgiveness.



Categories: Inspirational

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